Head Position Matters!

Head position (and posture in general) is important to consider whether you are a grown up or a child. Ideally, when in a good position (ears lined up above your shoulders which are lined up with your hips) the joints in your body have fairly equal weight distribution. This means spinal stress is at a minimum and sitting/standing can be done with minimal energy expenditure. However, as the day wears on and there is an increase in time spent on the computer, smartphone, or driving, the head’s natural position starts to move forward in relationship with your upper back and shoulders. This may seem like no big deal, but even if your head moves an inch or two forward, there will be consequences. A forward head position is known to cause neck and upper back tension, headaches, and weakness of the neck muscles. Take breaks every hour from your computer work or looking at the phone and look out into the distance for a minute or two. This will allow your eye muscles to relax and it will be easier to keep good posture when resuming work.

Correct posture from the side

Correct posture from the side

Ryan Schoeb, DCComment